Backyard Weddings pt 2
Mackenzie Belen San Diego Wedding Photographer Mackenzie Belen San Diego Wedding Photographer

Backyard Weddings pt 2

The second wedding I wanted to talk about is Megan and Ross’s wedding in Bakersfield, California in Megan’s childhood family home.  I met Megan back in 2015 when her and I worked at the same restaurant together in North County San Diego.  While I was taking my photography classes at community college, Megan would often model for me for my assignments.  Her and Ross reached out to me in 2023 and asked if I would travel to Bakersfield to shoot their wedding.  Again, of course I said yes.

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Backyard Weddings pt 1
Mackenzie Belen San Diego Wedding Photographer Mackenzie Belen San Diego Wedding Photographer

Backyard Weddings pt 1

If there is one venue that I love and that is different every time it is beauty that is a backyard wedding.  There is more flexibility when it comes to rules, it is cost-effective, more intimate, comfortable, full creative control, easier clean up, the list really goes on.

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